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Graphtec has added the FC4500 series flatbeds, to its extensive family of roll feed and flatbed cutters.
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Avery Dennison has announced that Chief Judge Michael J. Davis of the United States District Court in Minnesota has denied 3M’s request for a preliminary injunction in a case that attempted to block Avery Dennison’s OmniCube product from competing in the marketplace for retroreflective sheeting.
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MBE in Milton was only recently purchased by Steve Smedley and as many will know Milton was one of the areas flooded by the Brisbane River.
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Air conditioning specialist, Daikin Australia, warns print industry to watch out about an alleged printing and intellectual property scam.
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M&R is pleased to announce the addition of the new Diamondback XL to M&R’s extensive line of automatic textile presses.
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Dainippon Screen continues its transformation from a purely prepress and CtP manufacturer into an integrated digital press and workflow supplier.
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Kornit Digital has announced the release of its new Kornit Avalanche 951 industrial DTG printer at ISS Long Beach 2011.
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Large format print provider Peak Digital has installed a new HP Scitex FB700 in its plant in the Melbourne suburb of Seaford.
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The International Standards Organization (ISO) technical committee 130 (TC 130) has recently launched a new Working Group (WG) WG11 to develop a set of standards to cover the environmental impact of print.
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FujiFilm Dimatix has launched its new Emerald series piezoelectric drop-on-demand printheads for high-performance graphics applications.
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Indian company, Grafica won the best product award at last month's Screen Print India show in Mumbai for their Nano-Print plus semi automatic screen printing machine.
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Lenovo adopts Memjet technologies.
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New Colorproof and Fiery XF 4.5 release offers increased productivity, performance and advanced colour control.
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First shown ay the SGIA show late last year, the Gandy brothers will again be showing the Pred8tor to the Middle East audience at Sign and Graphic Imaging taking place at Airport Expo Dubai in January.
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Readers of both magazines will have noticed the new masthead now reflects the combined magazine.
- Neschen receives Fogra certificate
- PrintFactory sets the reference for wide format production efficiency
- Color-Logic releases inkjet version of Process Metallic Printing System
- EFI Rastek wins top Angel Award
- Roland DG do their bit for charity
- Roland DG bring LO-FI Collective artists work to life
- World record breaking digital print of 3D anamorphic artwork
- Carbon tax focus for first 2011 industry event
- Paperlinx Clearance Centre launched
- Estimator releases 2 new programs for Offset and Wide-Format.
- Avery Dennison celebrate 75 Years
- Inca Digital appoints director of Customer Support
- New SGIA report reveals the fastest growing imaging products
- RMIT graphic design winners celebrate with Océ
- New range of textile printers