Lenticular printing is really taking off and wide format printers should take note. HumanEyes, an Israeli company have done much to perfect the software and also promote it's usage is now launching Producer3D at Drupa next month.
Producer3D replaces HumanEyes 1.3 in the PrintPro product family and will be seen on five partner's booths at the huge Drupa show next month in Dusseldorf.
HumanEyes' state that their promise to its customers is that the productivity gains and ease of use offered by Producer3D will enable all printers to quickly and easily adopt and use market-leading lenticular technology.
"Producer3D is a breakthrough in lenticular printing, demonstrating our leadership in the development of ground-breaking lenticular and 3D solutions. The extensive range of new features we have built into this product will be unveiled at Drupa 2008," said Duby Hodd, CEO, HumanEyes.
Many printers are looking for a niche where they can carve their name and become a master, 3D printing is wide open for printers to exploit and HumanEyes state that they are here to help.
For those going to Drupa, live demonstrations of Producer3D can be seen on the HP; KBA; Océ Display Graphics Systems; Fujifilm, and Gandinnovations booths.