Australian Sign & Graphics Association (ASGA) employment lawyer Warwick Ryan has put together a comprehensive response to the various challenges facing employers through COVID-19.
Ryan says employers’ dealings with their staff in this current environment are simply an extension of the obligation they have in relation to looking after the health and welfare of their employees.
“The unusual feature aspect of the crisis we are all facing is that it may require staff who are NOT unwell being prevented from attending work and that raises more complex issues,” he says.
Ryan covers many of those issues, including offering advice to employers about staff being sent home and their obligations to pay.
Topics covered include:
WHS obligations
Personal Leave entitlements
Annual Leave implications
Stand Down as outlined in the Fair Work Act
Employee contracts the virus
Employee sent home for reasons beyond an employer’s control
Operation of a business in various scenarios
Sending employees onto / into third party premises
Reduction in demand for their product / redundancy / reduced working hours
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