Labelmakers managing director Adam Bamford will be one of the expert speakers next week at a NSW government seminar in Sydney - also to be broadcast live online - titled ‘Towards a Waste Free Future: Technology Readiness in Waste and Resource Recovery - Increased recycling of plastics by sensing and treating label contamination.'

recycling plastics 2021 hd

Co-hosted by NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) and Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE), the event brings together a team of research and industry partners "to tackle the key problems in the way of greater recycling rates in Australia.” 

The seminar coincides with the publication of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering's report on how technology can enable the Australian industry to transition towards a circular economy. It will look at current research and development work being undertaken to tackle the challenges and to explore future directions.

“The NSSN has brought together four research universities with major Australian companies to develop novel solutions for sensing and treating residual contaminants on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic chips.”

The project, led by PEGRAS Asia Pacific, has received funding through the Federal Government’s CRC-P Grants program

The event will be hosted both live at the Sydney Startup Hub and online.

To register for the online attendance, please click here . If you wish to come in person, please contact Dr Don McCallum at .

The event’s program is available here.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

2:30 to 5:30pm

Sydney Startup Hub

11-31 York Street, Sydney, NSW

Online event link here.

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Towards a Waste Free Future: Technology Readiness in Waste and Resource Recovery
- Increased recycling of plastics by sensing and treating label contamination


2:30pm Welcome by host

Dr Susan Pond AM FTSE - NSSN Chair and ATSE Working Group 2:35pm Opening remarks
Dairy Australia - Ian Olmsted 

2:40pm Current research and development

PEGRAS - Ian Byrne

UTS - Dr Melita Jazbek

University of Sydney - Prof Brian Hawkett UNSW Sydney - Prof Yansong Shen

3:30pm Expert panel

Moderator - Lisa McLean, Circular Economy Network

Labelmakers - Adam Bamford

University of Sydney - Prof Thomas Maschmeyer FAA FTSE MAE FRACI FRSN Bega - Mr Ad van Dijk

4:30pm Closing remarks

4:40pm Reception 
Drinks and Nibbles

5:30pm Close

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 The NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) was established in 2016 with funding from the NSW State Government through the Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer.



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