The days of time-consuming nozzle clearing routines are over, according to the UK-based manufacturer of piezo-based drop-on-demand inkjet technologies. Xaar demonstrates the speed of its printhead start-up in the first video of its new eXplainer series. 

“In the world of printheads, instant start up is a key advantage and it’s one that we are proud to deliver on,” says Xaar. “For many years, our printhead developments have been widely recognised as revolutionary in both the improvement of their productivity and the scope of their operation. It is not surprising that an ever-increasing array of industries are becoming interested in their adoption. This interest is heightened when it becomes clear that our printheads are missing something that almost all other printheads have; the need for lengthy start up and commissioning routines.

“With our printheads driving your print systems, our unique TF Technology means it’s ‘Connect & Play’ from the moment you switch on. When you install an empty, un-primed Xaar printhead in a machine, and press ‘go’, all the air is evacuated from the printhead, instantly and by design, meaning you are ready to print in seconds.

“Those days of time-consuming nozzle clearing routines, priming, and resetting maintenance procedures at the start of every new shift, or after weekend shutdowns, are over; Xaar’s bespoke printhead manifold designs work in tandem with a reservoir of ink that freely and constantly flows past the back of each nozzle means you’re ready to print in seconds. No more air bubbles in the system, missing lines, poor reliability, overheating, interaction with acoustics… say goodbye to hours reorienting the printhead, and wasting valuable fluids and media just to get started.”


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