Worldwide Printing CEO Mark Manderson has announced a tree planting campaign that involves the planting of up to 10000 trees.

The company has pledged to celebrate Planet Ark's National Tree Day with this commitment.

"Each time a customer specifies 'green' with their print order, we will plant a native Australian tree until we reach our target of 10000," Manderson said.

The first 500 will be planted by Worldwide staff on Tree Day itself (July 27th) to commemorate the launch of our new Worldwide Green range - and then a new tree will be added to the Worldwide Forest whenever a customer of any of the group's 90 retail centres places a print order on Worldwide Green paper.

Manderson said, "National Tree Day makes a huge contribution to reminding us how important it is to think about the environment and this year we're delighted to throw our weight behind the project by encouraging our 15000 business customers to think Green."

Worldwide Green is one of the few papers to be made entirely from post-consumer waste. It's therefore much better for the environment than paper made from pre-consumer waste because the material has already been used as a consumer item, like a milk carton or box, before being recycled and reconstituted into paper.

"In fact, we reckon that every tonne of our recycled paper or cardboard saves 17 trees, 1700 litres of oil, 4000 kilowatts of electricty, 4 cubic metres of landfill space and 31780 lires of water." said Manderson.

Worldwide Online Printing

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