GAMAA has announced that its October residential workshop – Ordinary People-Extraordinary Performance – will be led by one of the world’s leading executive consultants – Dr. Jack Goodwin.

Over the past decade Dr. Goodwin has been involved in the design and delivery of executive education programmes for a number of companies including Barclays Bank, ExxonMobil, Heidelberg, Hoechst, National Australia Bank, Nedbank, Nissan, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Shell, Standard Bank Group, Telstra and Texas Utilities.


 Dr Jack Goodwin


 Colin Beattie

And he’s also had hands on experience in the printing industry as part owner and a member of the Board of Choice Communications, Inc., a commercial printing company in Richmond, Virginia.

Samantha Crock, Education Manager GAMAA says “we are incredibly fortunate to have Dr. Goodwin participate in this workshop programme.  Dr. Goodwin is recognised as one of the pre-eminent professors in operations management.  Our workshop participants have a unique opportunity to learn from his experience and take away practical solutions that are relevant to their workplace.”

Dr. Goodwin says participants will gain a range of tools that will enable them to link strategy and operations and implement change in the workplace.

“Most organisations have a significant disconnect between their high-level strategy and operations,” says Dr. Goodwin.   “This results in their inability to execute strategy effectively.  This problem is magnified when faced with rapid changes in our workplace and industry.

“In this workshop our initial goals will be to understand how to align both the strategy and operations and to create a framework that will move the business forward. To make strategy "work" you have to create a mechanism that will drive the strategy on a short-term basis. 

“Finally, we will try to bridge the technical and the behavioural.  We will show how to create a culture that supports successful execution of strategy.”

In addition to the sessions run by Dr. Goodwin, participants will also have the opportunity to work with coach and facilitator Colin Beattie.  Mr. Beattie has helped leaders address key leadership issues including performance issues, resolving conflict, motivating teams and influencing stakeholders.  He is experienced in working with leadership teams as they aim to achieve sustainable outcomes and well versed in the issues that face the printing and graphic arts industry today.

Mr. Beattie says complementing Dr. Goodwin’s expertise in successful execution of strategy the workshop will offer participants the chance to develop critical leadership skills.

“Effective leadership requires the right mindset, an ability to play to your strengths, a healthy dose of emotional intelligence and the ability to communicate with impact. By developing yourself as a leader, you give yourself the best chance to bring your strategy to life and to create a culture that sustains this performance.”

Integrated into the programme will be opportunities for participants to consider their own leadership mindset and to practice and develop key leadership skills. Particular focus will be given to the ability to communicate with impact. 

“This will include knowing your audience, responding to their needs, thinking on your feet and making your message memorable. Ultimately, the programme aims to give you and your organisation best chance of creating extraordinary performance,” he concludes.

To reserve your place in this unique GAMAA residential workshop visit or contact GAMAA on 02 9869 0010

Ordinary People-Extraordinary Performance, When: 16 - 18th October 2008, Where: HC Coombes Centre, Kirribilli, Sydney.

Graphic Arts Merchants Association of Australia


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