Young people looking for printing industry careers can be now be matched with interested companies in a pilot project being run by Printing Industries.

The pilot is running in the NSW and Western Australia State offices of Printing Industries as the first stage of a project to improve accessibility to industry careers.

Candidates contact the local Printing Industries office and provide their details including the type of career they are looking for.

Companies notify of their ability or willingness to provide apprenticeships or traineeships or work experience. Printing Industries staff then match the companies with the most suitable candidates.

Printing Industries National Communication and Technical Services Manager, Joe Kowalewski, said NSW currently has six young people seeking apprenticeships, mainly in the Sydney area. Western Australia has several companies seeking potential apprentices or trainees and a few willing to take on work experience students.

“We are also examining options for a web based registration facility and looking at new options for assessing candidates or ‘apprentice testing’ as it more commonly known,” he said.

“New technology developments have expanded the options to provide more comprehensive and better targeted assessments that benefit both the candidate and employer by identifying a wide range of characteristics both can use to determine mutual suitability.

“Ultimately the desired result is a better, more permanent placement that meets the expectations of everyone concerned.”

Mr Kowalewski said while global economic conditions were unsettling, now was not the time for companies to “take their foot off” the training accelerator.

“In fact now is the time to seriously focus on training because conditions will improve and companies will need additional staff. Those that have training programs in place won’t have a problem and will continue to prosper while those who don’t will lose opportunities.

“All companies can benefit from being involved at some level, even if only to provide work experience or host plant tours. It’s all important to demonstrate the opportunities and showcase some of the businesses and the people currently employed in our industry,” he said.

NSW companies and students can register by calling Printing Industries on (02) 8789 7300 or e-mail  and Western Australian companies (08) 9361 4625 e-mail

Printing Industries of Australia


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