Avery Graphics together with their other divisions have formed the Avery Dennison Foundation to coordinate the contributions and efforts of Avery Dennison employees across Australia.

Witnessing the worst bushfires in Australia’s history, the state of Victoria has been devastated by the deaths of over 200 people with the loss of over 2000 homes.

The fires occurred in the state of Victoria in Australia’s South East in the land surrounding Melbourne. Although no Avery Dennison employee has been directly harmed by the fires, many have seen the suffering and devastation caused by these fires and felt the need to help. 

Working together in a true spirit of “One Avery” Avery Graphics together with the Rolls Division, Office Products and Paxar, have formed the Avery Dennison Foundation to coordinate the contributions and efforts of Avery Dennison employees across Australia in helping those people that have lost their homes, loved ones, and their livelihoods.

To support these people, Avery Dennison has been involved in a number of different ways. Employees have donated large containers full of clothing, furniture and kitchen-wares to the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul Society for distribution. Many financial donations have also been accepted, with Avery Dennison matching every dollar contributed by staff. These funds have been sent to the Australian Red Cross Victorian Bushfires Appeal.

The Avery Dennison Foundation has close ties with the Red Cross, having been involved in blood drives for the organisation before. Avery Dennison staff have volunteered to donate blood, helping our Victorian hospitals assist the influx of patients caused by the spread of the bushfires.

One of Avery Dennison’s staff - a senior team leader from Adelaide, is a volunteer member of the Country Fire Service in South Australia. He recently flew into Melbourne to spend five days supporting the Victorian Country Fire Authority in clean up operations and further firefighting activities.

Avery Dennison is proud of the way in which its employees have responded to this Australian tragedy. By working together with the Avery Dennison Foundation, we will continue to support our communities and strive to help those people in need.

Avery Dennison

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