Last weekend FujiFilm Australia sent a team of novice and experienced athletes to compete in the Fujifilm Hamilton Island Triathlon (Saturday) and Whitehaven Beach Ocean Swim (Sunday).

The team consisted of five Fujifilm employees from across the company including technical services, IT, customer engagement, admin and marketing.

Executive Assistant to the CEO and team captain Sarah Fenton is a seasoned marathon runner and now training for Ironman Port Macquarie. She said: “To have the opportunity to race in the beautiful setting at Hamilton Island is unique. The company is fully supporting our team, and I am grateful to be surrounded by a group of like-minded companions. It was fun training with our weekly run group and the Fujifilm swim squad at Manly Dam. These team building exercises are different and promoting life work balance.”

Fujifilm teamFuji Technical Services Helpdesk Operator Terrie Morgenson had had a solid training regime for the past three months. She commented: “I walk more than 20km a day, 6 days a week. When Fujifilm offered me the opportunity to compete in the Hamilton Island Triathlon, I decided at age 59 that this would be a great challenge and give me goals to aim for in my physical fitness.”

Seven-times Ironman and Fujifilm IS Network Manager Carmelo Gallo said: “It has really lifted the spirits in the company to have a common goal with your team mates, especially because we all come from different areas of the business. We have shared the excitement and experience and got to know each other on a more personal level. Both races were tough, but we did very well!”

Michelle Washington, Customer Engagement Manager at Fujifilm came back from injury to compete in the triathlon when a flat tire forced her to withdraw from the race. “It was disappointing not being able to finish the race. But we had a fantastic time on the island anyhow. Hamilton Island is a special location. I particularly enjoyed renting a golf cart and exploring every single street and lookout on the island.

Graphic Systems Marketing Nadine Lafleur brought home a podium spot, placing 2nd in the 30-39yr females age group at the Fujifilm Hamilton Island Triathlon, receiving congratulations from former Ironman world champion Craig “Crowie” Alexander. “The very hilly and hot course is certainly not a beginners’ course. But at Fujifilm, we love challenges! I am extremely glad to be here and excited to have started head to head with world-class athletes like Olympians Susie O’Neill, Michael Klim and Courtney Atkinson. In such an intimate setting, you really get close to the stars of the show.”

Although not participating himself, Fujifilm COO Dave Marshall stood by to support his team with bells and whistles. He said: “We have been the major sponsor in this event for 5 years now, and it was great to see Team Fujifilm racing for the first time. I am exceptionally proud to be supporting such a great bunch of athletes and we are looking forward to encouraging even more employees to give it a go next year.”


FujiFilm Australia

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