Printing companies wanting to improve the competitive edge of their sales staff will have one last chance to do so in NSW this year.

Due to strong industry demand Printing Industries NSW has slipped in a final course for 2007 in Print Sales, a five week course held every Friday from October 19 to November 16.  

The course was created by Creative LifeWorks director and sales guru Neil Bown to give print specific solutions-selling strategies to new and seasoned reps.  

According to Focus Press Sales rep Oxana Brovchenko the course has everything going for it. “I absolutely recommend it!  It put so many things in perspective,” she said.  

As solution selling becomes more and more critical the demand for highly trained print specialist solution sellers reaches critical levels.  

Printing Industries Training and Allied Associations Administrator, Adin Coup, said that no business was immune to the ever increasing competitiveness of the printing industry.  

“One of the key factors that determine success is the business development team – the sales people,” he said.  

“Our course is not just about being able to sell a product; it is about developing some major changes in thinking.  
“We target the individual concerns, customise the course to deal with real problems and then work as a group to come up with real solutions.”  

With more than 25 years in the printing industry Neil Bown is full of anecdotes which brings to life the classes he conducts. His extensive industry knowledge means he has been there and done that – literally – and it really brings home the techniques taught in the course.  

“Print Sales is a staple course for Printing Industries and is delivered all over the country a testimony to the value and relevance of this course to our industry. Without someone to sell your product or service, you have no business,” Mr Coup said.  

“Participants are able to get new ideas, exchange techniques and best of all, become more effective at their job. Isn’t that what it is all about? Working smarter not harder!”  

Printing Industries

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