Training courses for Printing Industries Sustainable Green Print certification program are being scheduled around the country allowing companies to complete their certification before the end of 2014.
Sustainable Green Print (SGP) is a multi-level program specifically for printing companies to meet their environmental responsibilities, cut costs and gain a competitive edge.
Based on an ISO14001 framework, the program provides a choice of three linked achievement levels including up to ISO 14001 (Level 3 SGP).
New courses are scheduled for Sydney (22 July - info here) and Melbourne (24 July - info here).
Other states are currently seeking expressions of interest for local courses. All inquiries should be directed to Kay Scutter email:
Key reasons for undertaking SGP include:
•A competitive advantage – it differentiates companies from their competitors
•Saves money by helping with better management of waste, recycling, energy and water use, energy and air emissions.
•Demonstrates a business’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
•It is the first step to ISO14001 certification (if required).
•Provides printers with the means of meeting the environmental expectations of their customers.
•Gives businesses a structure to manage changing trends in environmental responsibility.
•Contributes to reducing insurance premiums by helping businesses to better manage the storage and handling of printing chemicals and incident response.
Printing Industries Association of Australia