Brendon Cook, founder of outdoor company oOh!media and co-founder of the Outdoor Media Association, was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) as part of the King's Birthday honours, for “services to the advertising industry.”


“The industry stalwart and oOh!media  founder, retired since 2020, has made a significant mark in the industry,” said the Outdoor Media Association (OMA). 

“Cook was instrumental in evolving Out of Home measurement as a founding member of MOVE (Measurement of Outdoor Visibility and Exposure). At the time, a world-first, the audience measurement platform, allows for improved accuracy in reporting measurable outcomes to advertisers.” 

Cook was the first Australian to sit on the board for the World Out of Home Organization (WOO) - previously the Federation European Publicite Exterieur (FEPE).  

In 2022, he was awarded the WOO Lifetime Achievement Award.

“Cook built oOh! into Australia and New Zealand's leading OOH company and a major player on the world stage,” WOO said.


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